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Previous strategies to ensure success at Trade Fairs

Participating in a trade fair, whether at national or international level, represents one of the biggest challenges for companies, both in terms of organisation and resources.

Careful preparation is crucial, as mere presence does not guarantee success.

To maximise the return on investment, at ONURA we propose a structured process always focused on short-term results (at trade fairs) and to generate commercial inertia to maximise medium-term results.

In this post, we will focus on the pre-fair stage, which is essential to lay the foundations for success and maximise results.

Success at a trade fair is usually measured by the number of quality visitors to a stand.

We can wait for people we don't know from companies we don't know, or we can contact suitable people who don't know us to "invite" them to the stand, to "generate" curiosity, or simply so that if they pass by, our brand/solution "rings a bell", which often leads to someone stopping to find out more.

At Onura, of course we propose an Allbound approach: I contact you so that you can contact me. I contact you so that you visit me. I send you content so that you remember me.

I offer value for you to consider

In the Pre-Fair stage we see 3 phases:

  1. Identification of interesting companies and persons (3 to 6 months before the event).
  2. Preparation of contact materials (in parallel to phase 1, 3 to 6 months before the event).
  3. Contact (2 to 5 months before the event)

Here we go!


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1. Identification of companies and individuals

The first step in the preparation process is to identify the companies and individuals we will be targeting during the fair. This step is essential to ensure that we are directing our efforts towards the most promising prospects.

We will do so based on our value proposition, the profile of our existing customers and our growth or diversification strategy.

  1. Generate a database of companies:

    Building this database will be key, and doing it as quickly - efficiently - and with the greatest possible impact - effectiveness - should be our priorities.

    To do this we can use industry association listings and exhibitor lists from previous shows or tools such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator. In this way, we build a robust and efficient database that allows us to focus our efforts on the most relevant prospects.

  2. Generate a database of people: 

    Once we have identified companies, we move on to identifying people.

    Selling is the art of finding the right moment, the right company and the right person to interact with. Aligning our interests with their needs and wants.

    That is why we will look for more than one person per company. Ideally we should find between 2 and 4 people per company.

    Even more so if we are talking about large multi-localised accounts.To build the database, in addition to our CRM, we will use the 'Social Network' par excellence in B2B, Linkedin and its paid tool "Sales Navigator". From 200 potential companies onwards, it is interesting to use search automation tools.

2. Materials preparation and technology configuration

Once we have identified our targets, the next step is to prepare the necessary materials and set up the technology that will help us make contact by generating interest.

  1. Preparation of contact / attraction materialsRelevant content:

    We generate attractive and relevant content, such as success stories, video interviews, fact sheets and catalogues that highlight our strengths and value propositions. In addition, we design a specific landing page for the fair, where visitors can find all the information about our participation and the "benefits" of visiting us.

    Optimisation of Social Media profiles: We ensure that our social media profiles, mainly LINKEDIN, are complete and optimised, focused on the target profile of the fair and the solution we offer.

  2. Technology Configuration

    Automation tools:
    In the most common case of having more than 300 people identified for contact it may be convenient to use an automation tool that allows us to concentrate efforts on what really brings value, such as strategy, publication of original content or personalised conversation.

    Implementing a friendly, non-invasive contact sequence is key to initiating a conversation and building strong long-term relationships.

    During the contact and conversation process we must be clear that the initial objective "is not to ask but to give".
  3. Omni-channel:

    To ensure complete and efficient coverage, it pays to work the "pre-fair" from several angles.

    Mainly three:

    1. Linkedin, which we have already discussed
    2. E-Mailings in the existing database and in the new one that we can generate.
    3. "Findability": being findable, i.e. SEO and especially for short-term actions, SEM.

    We must be prepared to activate these channels during the next phase of "contact".

3. Contact with clients to arrange meetings at trade fairs.

We will set in motion a sequence of "impacts" with the appropriate cadence, coordinating email and LinkedIn to "warm up the door" and generate "trust" so that they get to know our company, our team, our product/service and how we are going to "improve" their business, their work, their product, their problems.

Depending on the number of contacts and the priority we give to each one of them, we will mix different types of action.

  1. Connection with contacts: via Linkedin, Emailing, Telephone, and/or video-emails.
  2. Linkedin management, from personal and company profiles, with a cadence of at least 2 publications per month.
  3. Management of SEM campaigns on Linkedin and/or Google with or without Retargeting.

In short, the pre-fair stage is essential to ensure that we arrive at the fair well prepared and with a clear strategy.

The identification of key companies and individuals, together with the preparation of attraction materials and the configuration of automation technologies, lay the foundation for a successful contact process.

Want to know more about how Onura can accompany you at your next trade fair?

Contact us and don't miss the opportunity to see your business grow at the next fair.