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«Allbound» Commercial Inertial Services

Onura: «Allbound» Commercial Inertial Services

The Allbound Commercial Inertia Services presented below, together with the "Strategic Adaptation" and "Commercial Action" services, form part of the ACELERA 2023 group of services: High impact, fast execution and results-oriented actions.

Generating Commercial Inertia is key to obtaining results in the short and, above all, in the medium and long term. With these services you will be able to segment your historical databases, have them ready to work in a CRM, have a communication strategy with appropriate content and be able to launch several well-targeted "messages" in the short term.

1.- SEGMENTA + CRM service: Segment your database and set up a CRM that allows you to track your data.

Together, we review and segment your entire historical database of current and potential customers.

We prepare / complete it to be able to work with an Allbound Follow-up strategy, to generate Commercial Inertia based on a cadence of contact both personal and with emailings and contents. Later we import it into a CRM to be able to work with it.


  • Database completed and segmented with a Commercial Tracking strategy.
  • Database imported into CRM for tracking purposes.
Onura: SEGMENTA + CRM Service

2.-ALLBOUND CONTENT Service. Develops a Corporate Communication Strategy with contents oriented towards

The key to an Allbound action, with "COMMERCIAL INERTIALITY" is to maintain a rhythm of contact with our database of qualified potential customers/people.

To do this, we need a corporate communication strategy that allows us to maintain contact with the right people through content that can add value, position us as experts and generate trust.

The objective is to know when they go from being a qualified potential customer to a customer with a current sales opportunity. To be at the right moment, either because they contact us or because we detect, through "Inbound alarms", that they are interested in what we offer.

3.- COMUNICA x3 Service: Creation and Communication of 3 customer-oriented contents

And what better way to put your communication strategy into practice than by creating three publications; about your brand, your strengths and your products or services.

At Onura we help you to launch the first ones.


  • Accompaniment in the creation and launching to your database of 3 communications appropriate to the objectives we set ourselves.
Onura: COMUNICA x3 Service
Onura: Form

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