Zubelzu Circuitos Impresos
Search, contact and opening of new customers
Reactivation of historical clients
Growth in current customers
Zubelzu is an SME from Guipuzcoa with 42 employees and 40 years of activity specialized in the manufacture of printed circuit boards.
It hires us to work to reactivate the areas in which it is not carrying out an active commercial work in national territory with the exception of Catalonia and Levante area and including Portugal and France in a second instance.
Together with technical and commercial management, we look for, contact and present ourselves to be approved as a supplier and obtain the gerber of new or current designs.
In addition to searching for new ones, maintaining contact with the current portfolio is necessary.
We combine digital and face-to-face activities, adapting to the moment and status of the target customer.
For the follow-up of open accounts, it is necessary to maintain contact by generating and sending technical/professional information of interest to the buyer profile.